Products from Polyplab
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Polyblab reefuel is a combination of organic carbon enriched with amino acids for use in marine aquariums. Reef Fuel is a safe and highly effective method of supplying bacteria with nutrients to significantly improve the water quality in...
Die Rolle der Aminosäuren wird in einer nährstoffarmen Umgebung entscheidend. Die Säuren sind mit spezifischen Aminosäuren gemischt, von denen unsere Forschung gezeigt hat, dass sie das Korallenwachstum und die Färbung verbessern....
RF Plus is a water-stable mixture of liquid and solid coral foods that have been enriched with vitamins and minerals. Vibrant coral coloration results from regular use and is most noticeable for SPS corals. Additionally, unlike any other...
Working with a Canadian biotechnology firm, the Canadian company PolypLab has manufactured a custom blend of bacterial strains with concentrations of over 80 billion cells/mL. In their planktonic state, these bacteria serve as a highly...
PolypLab Nano One 250 ml PolypLab One is engineered from two forms of acetate and hydroxide salts. When dosed, the calcium magnesium ions are freely available for uptake by corals, clams, and many other reef organisms. The acetate ions...